Hub Management ============== Maintaining Directory Structure ------------------------------- A main Python script is provided to move the downloaded zipfiles into the final directory structure, and create the associated XML and PNG files for each one. The main script is :command:``. It takes a :command:`--help` option to give full commandline help. This main script makes heavy use of modules in the :mod:`auscophub` package. The :mod:`auscophub.dirstruct` module provides routines for generating the directory structure and associated XML and PNG files. The :mod:`auscophub.sen1meta` and :mod:`auscophub.sen2meta` modules decode relevant metadata from within the zipfiles. Sentinel-2 Downloads from Amazon AWS ------------------------------------ A set of scripts is provided to manage downloading of Sentinel-2 zip files directly from the Amazon AWS zip file bucket. The main script involved is :command:``. This is run from a cron job given in the bash script :command:``, which shows how it is used. It also makes use of :command:``, to search the ESA Scihub server for what zip files are relevant to our region of interest.